
Sharon K
Apr 10, 20243 min read
Exploring Holistic Wellness Practices and Crystal Healing in the UK
Holistic wellness practices offer you valuable tools for promoting health, balance, and inner peace

Sharon K
Sep 6, 20235 min read
How to Create a Wellness Retreat at Home to Rejuvenate your Mind, Body and Soul
If you are craving some time out to rest and rejuvenate but unable to go away for a break then you should try an at home wellness retreat.

Sharon K
Jan 5, 20233 min read
Ways to Transform your Health and Wellbeing this Year
Ways to transform your health and wellbeing this year.

Sharon K
Nov 30, 20223 min read
Reduce Stress with a Restivity Plan!
When you are constantly feeling stressed it can negatively impact you in many ways including you neglecting to take time out for yourself.

Sharon K
Oct 31, 20223 min read
10 Mindfulness Hacks to Reduce Stress and Anxiety and Increase Calm
Do you find that you go through most of your day feeling under pressure, stressed and anxious? You have so much to do and so much to...

Sharon K
Sep 2, 20223 min read
12 Ways to Feel Good All Day
Do you feel good during the day or do you struggle to make it through and just feel relieved when you manage to survive to the days end?...
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Sharon K
Aug 3, 20225 min read
How I Overcame My Anxiety and How You Can Too
Are you struggling with Anxiety? If you are struggling with anxiety I can understand what you are going through as I used to struggle...
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Sharon K
Jun 1, 20224 min read
15 Easy Ways to Restore Emotional Balance in Your Life
Do you ever feel like you are on an emotional roller-coaster and your emotions often get the better of you? One day you may feel fine...
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Sharon K
Apr 26, 20224 min read
Why Now Could be the Perfect Time to Learn How to Meditate
Have you ever wondered why meditation has become so popular lately? Like the majority of people you are probably too busy with daily life...
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Sharon K
Feb 4, 20223 min read
How to Live a Happier Life by Connecting to the Wisdom of Your Heart
Does your heart really hold wisdom? Have you ever heard the saying 'your heart knows'? Well it turns out that your heart actually holds...
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Sharon K
Dec 4, 20213 min read
Have a Holistic Stress-free Christmas that's Good for You and the Planet!
Are you starting to feel the stress levels rising as Christmas approaches? So much to do, so much to think about with the added worry of...
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Sharon K
Jul 10, 20218 min read
How to Create your Perfect Summer of Health and Happiness
Summer is definitely upon us and if you are like me you are probably wondering where the last half of the year went! The good news is...
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Sharon K
Jun 6, 20214 min read
5 Things to Incorporate into your Life Every Day to Easily Manage Stress and Anxiety
What are the 5 things you need in your life to help you manage stress and anxiety? If you are suffering with too much stress in your life...
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Sharon K
Jun 27, 20203 min read
Just Breathe - The Power of the Breath to Reduce Stress and Anxiety
by changing the patterns of breathing, it is possible to restore balance to the stress response systems, calm an agitated mind..
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