The Healing Movement System
Qigong, qi gong, chi kung, or chi gung, as it is sometimes known, is a centuries-old healing movement system which has a long history in China. Qigong integrates co-ordinated body posture, movement, breathing, self-massage, sound, and focused intent and is a mind-body-spirit practice that improves mental and physical health. There are many styles of qigong such as Soaring Crane, Wisdom Healing, Dragon and Tiger, 8 Pieces of Brocade and more.
Qigong opens the flow of energy in meridians used in acupuncture and Chinese medicine. It enhances our ability to feel the Life Force underlying the physical world and to deepen our communication with it. Qi means “vital energy” or “life force” and Gong means “skill cultivated through steady practice”. Some believe that Qigong is best practiced barefoot outdoors.

Why Practice Qigong?
Slow gentle qigong movements warm tendons, ligaments, and muscles; tonify vital organs and connective tissue; and promotes circulation of body fluids (blood, synovial, lymph). Studies have shown Qigong effective in helping to reduce high blood pressure and chronic illness and also to heal emotional issues, mental stress and anxiety, and spiritual crisis.

What are the Benefits of Qigong?
Listed below are some of the benefits of qigong:
Eases stress and anxiety and balances emotions
Strengthens the internal organs
Loosens the muscles and builds power
Improves Cardio-pulmonary function
Helps prevent injury to joints, ligaments and bones
Speeds recovery time from injuries and operations
Beneficial to those with serious illness
Benefits those with a sedentary lifestyle

Is Qigong Suitable for you?
Qigong is easy to learn and enjoyable to do. Just a few minutes of practise can have an invigorating and rejuvenating effect and regular practice brings about a deep strengthening effect for the whole body. Studies show that with regular practice, qigong can have a powerful effect on mind, body and spirit. Reported benefits have included increased general health and well-being, reduced levels of stress, and a brighter and more balanced outlook on life.
With Qigong you have the tools and resources to help heal your own body and take charge of your health. It enables each and every one of us to be our own best healer and discover answers within.

Where Can I Find a Qigong Class?
Qigong can be practised either as a discipline in its own right, or as a perfect complement to your tai chi training. If there are no instructors in your area, many teachers regularly travel to give workshops in all regions of the country. Alternatively check out some easy qigong movement exercises on the internet but obviously be mindful of your own limitations to avoid injury. It is always best to work with a qualified instructor first if possible. More info at British Qigong Association at http://healthqigong.org.uk/info/find_class.php
Are you ready to transform your life with Qigong?
Peter Paul Parker - Qigong Champion with the British Team in Korea
Peter is a Dahn Master in the mind-body-spirit arena, a musician and sound healer. He works with both the energy and physical body. Peter is a Ki Gong champion, winning the international competition with the British Team in Korea in 2016. Peter runs a successful coaching business achieving amazing results helping people to connect more to their inner self. This coaching creates their authentic self image. He has set up a local charity called Brighter Living helping the elderly with their health and well-being using Ki Gong and meditation. Peter has also worked with schools locally, helping students connect with themselves.
Peter has launched the Bright Beings Academy online internationally, which incorporates everything that he does to empower people to reach their full potential as human beings.
For more information and online Qigong classes visit the links below.
Website https://brightbeingsacademy.com/qi-gong ​​​​​​
The Bright Beings Academy is a safe environment for you to learn about the healing art of Qi Gong in a modern way.
You can also download the pdf for more information here​​​​

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